Tailor-made training for statutory and non-statutory agencies working with/for Roma communities throughout the UK:
Training sessions are designed for statutory and non-statutory practitioners, senior managers, judges, social care workers, police officers and front-line workers working with the Roma communities in the UK. They provide participants with basic information about the history and culture of Roma, including their historic migration into Europe, and their historic experience of marginalisation, exclusion and discrimination (including slavery and the Holocaust) over centuries in order to understand how some of these practices have translated into modern history. The other sessions have a more specific focus, such as education, health, housing, employment, safeguarding.
The sessions are interactive and use different methods of engaging the participants, including power point presentations, multimedia, case studies and quizzes. All the materials are emailed to the participants afterwards.
What are the reasons for attending the training?
I'll be pleased to provide you with more details about my services. Send me an email or use the contact form.
Local Romani communities needs assessements
Dr Lucie Fremlova conducts local Romani community/ies needs assessments for your Local Authority Area.
With the help of my national network of Romani community contacts I can gain access to members of the various national groups of Roma living in your Local Authority area. I will consult with them in the first instance to establish their needs and priorities in order that your Council can tailor responsive and culturally sensitive services in the following fields:
This will be done in conjunction with local statutory and non-statutory agencies/service providers who have already established contact and/or are working with the Roma communities.
Local Romani empowerment projects
Dr Lucie Fremlova can help you identify, train and subsequently appoint a suitable Romani community liaison officer(s) who will continue to engage with the Roma on a
regular basis, depending on funding being available.
Dr Lucie Fremlova will supervise and monitor their performance in order to ensure that the project goals are being met and the criteria fulfilled.
Throughout the duration of the project, Dr Lucie Fremlova shall strive to encourage multi-agency holistic working at the local level to make sure that as many members of
the various national groups of Roma as possible are included in and will benefit from, the project.
Language, translation and interpretation services
Dr Lucie Fremlova am experienced in translating and interpreting from/to English, Czech and Slovak (and also French) in the following fields: