
Tailor-made training for statutory and non-statutory agencies working with/for Roma communities throughout the UK:


  • Who are the Roma? (origin, history, customs and traditions, culture, experience of discrimination, racism)
  • Roma in the UK (migration, main issues faced, provision, models of good practice) 
  • Education of Roma in the mainstream 
  • Safeguarding and working with Roma children and families through court proceedings
  • Roma and health, including sexual and reproductive and mental health
  • Roma and housing
  • Roma and employment


Training sessions are designed for statutory and non-statutory practitioners, senior managers, judges, social care workers, police officers and front-line workers working with the Roma communities in the UK. They provide participants with basic information about the history and culture of Roma, including their historic migration into Europe, and their historic experience of marginalisation, exclusion and discrimination (including slavery and the Holocaust) over centuries in order to understand how some of these practices have translated into modern history. The other sessions have a more specific focus, such as education, health, housing, employment, safeguarding.

The sessions are interactive and use different methods of engaging the participants, including power point presentations, multimedia, case studies and quizzes. All the materials are emailed to the participants afterwards.


What are the reasons for attending the training?


  • Acquire objective and impartial information and knowledge of the Roma community including their origins, brief history, history of Roma communities in the UK (including push and pull factors), cultural customs and taboos
  • Acquire understanding of the Roma communities’ immigration status, employment issues, welfare and benefits rights
  • Acquire understanding of main issues faced and barriers experienced by Roma community members in accessing mainstream provision
  • Understand main cultural differences in order to aid engagement and communication with the Roma individuals and families
  • Develop good practice in engaging effectively with and empowering Roma individuals and families
  • Acquire efficient tools in engaging with the community



I'll be pleased to provide you with more details about my services. Send me an email or use the contact form.


Local Romani communities needs assessements 


Dr Lucie Fremlova conducts local Romani community/ies needs assessments for your Local Authority Area.


With the help of my national network of Romani community contacts I can gain access to members of the various national groups of Roma living in your Local Authority area. I will consult with them in the first instance to establish their needs and priorities in order that your Council can tailor responsive and culturally sensitive services in the following fields:

  • education
  • employment
  • healthcare
  • housing
  • benefit advice (including rights and entitlements of EU citizens).


This will be done in conjunction with local statutory and non-statutory agencies/service providers who have already established contact and/or are working with the Roma communities.

Local Romani empowerment projects

Dr Lucie Fremlova can help you identify, train and subsequently appoint a suitable Romani community liaison officer(s) who will continue to engage with the Roma on a regular basis, depending on funding being available. 

Dr Lucie Fremlova will supervise and monitor their performance in order to ensure that the project goals are being met and the criteria fulfilled. 

Throughout the duration of the project, Dr Lucie Fremlova shall strive to encourage multi-agency holistic working at the local level to make sure that as many members of the various national groups of Roma as possible are included in and will benefit from, the project.


Language, translation and interpretation services


Dr Lucie Fremlova am experienced in translating and interpreting from/to English, Czech and Slovak (and also French) in the following fields:

  • domestic and international legal texts, including contracts, indictments, verdicts, amicus briefs, childcare proceedings, extraditions, submissions to/verdicts by the European Court of Human Rights; 
  • human rights and human right legal standards as set by Council of Europe, the United Nations and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, especially Roma rights, LGTBIQ rights, minorities, sexual and reproductive health and rights (and healthcare), housing rights (and evictions), education, employment, and topics relating to segregation, desegregation and inclusive education;
  • EU funding: funding applications, contracts, interim and final reports;
  • visual arts, including catalog and exhibition texts and texts for openings (long-term cooperation with the Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyne University);
  • museum exhibitions and management (Museum of Romani Culture and Ann Frank House);
  • theory of art and architecture;
  • architecture and architectonic texts (i.e. specialised magazine Era 21);
  • interpreting at international exhibition openings, study visits, conferences and seminars/workshops, including for the British Embassy in Prague and Bratislava.

Picture gallery

You can contact Dr Lucie Fremlova using the contact form.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Lucie has successfully started her PhD at the School of Applied Social Sciences, University of Brighton, after being awarded a three-year scholarship to do her PhD research on transformations that have occurred in LGBTIQ GRT communities.


On 29 May, 2014, Lucie will be one of the presenters talking at the specialised seminar "Equal access to quality education for Roma chidren in the Czech Republic" as part of the World Festival Khamoro. The seminar is convened by the OSCE ODIHR Contact Point for Roma and Sinti issues, Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation of the Government of the Czech Republic, and Slovo 21.


Between 31 March and 1 April 2014, Lucie participated in a preparatory meeting for United for Dignity: Conference on the specific situation of young Roma affected by multiple discrimination The conference will take place at the Council of Europe's European Youth Centre in Strasbourg between 24 and 26 June, 2014. Lucie has contributed to conducting the desk and field research for the study and has been the main editor of the final report.


On 14 March 2014, Lucie was one of the main speakers presenting the issue of Roma education at the University of Essex Human Rights Society Roma Awareness Week. The other speakers include Grattan Puxon, Dr Julian Burger, Rita Chadha and Angel Lilkov Ivanov.


On 13 January 2014, Lucie succesfully submitted Section 7: Roma integration of FRA's Annual Report 2013 to the Law and Human Rights Centre, University of Nottingham, FRA's UK Focal Point.


On 3 December, Lucie delivered a presentation called  "Every child matters: promoting access to quality education for Roma children" at the conference "Perspectives on Inclusive Education. Safeguarding the Equality of Opportunities?"organised by Amaro Foro e.V., Berlin, with financial support from the Senate Administration for Labour, Integration and Women. 


On 17 October, 2013, Lucie presented at a CAFCASS event entitled "Working with Eastern European Children and their Families through Court Proceedings". His Honour Judge Polden and Mrs Justice Theis are among the presenters.


On 13 September, 2013, Lucie delivered two training sessions for the British Transport Police officers, entitled Working with Eastern European Roma settled in the UK.


Lucie was among 4 presenters opening a training session entitled "Defending Human Rights of Roma and Travellers on the basis of European standards", organised by the Support Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma issues (Council of Europe), the Cardiff Law School and the AIRE Centre.


Lucie has been selected as one of five experts to participate in the Council of Europe's project on the Lifestories of young Roma facing multiple discrimination.


Lucie gave a presentation entitled "Every child matters: promoting access to high quality education for Roma children" at the conference Quality education for Roma: Sustainability of Education Policy Developed within the Decade on European level, held on April 22-23, 2013, in Zagreb, Croatia. 


Lucie has been commissioned by the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, the UK national focal point for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), to contribute to FRA's current survey entitled "Mapping sources of data on Roma".

On 18 March, 2013, Lucie opened the Human Rights Film series regularly held at the Human Rights Law Centre, School of Law, University of Nottingham. Since 2006 HRLC has run a Human Rights Film Series. This time, it is dedicated to Roma issues and the current challenges faced by Roma in Europe.


Between 3 and 6 March, 2013, Lucie accompanied a delegation of school management and senior teaching staff from Primary School Trmice to Babington Community College and other schools in Leicester as part of the Roma Education Support Trust's project Every child matters: High quality education for all. The delegation is headed by Trmice's Headteacher. 


Between 11 and 14 February, 2013, Lucie led a delegation of school management and senior teaching staff from Babington Community College, Leicester, who will be visiting Primary School Trmice as part of the Roma Education Support Trust's project Every child matters: High quality education for all. The delegation is headed by Babington's Vice Principal.  


Lucie presented the issue of school desegregation measures and the pilot study From segregation to inclusion: Roma pupils in the UK as a trainer at the Council of Europe's three day seminar entitled The role of youth work in combating segregation in school environments, held on 21 – 24 November 2012 at the European Youth Centre, Strasbourg.


Lucie completed a report on the situation of Roma in the United Kingdom for the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, the UK national focal point for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).


From 22 to 25 October, Lucie and the Roma Education Support Trust implemented the first stage of their project Every child matters: High quality education for all at Primary School Trmice. Babington Community College got an excellent response from their project partner. The three days were concluded by a visit by the British Ambassador. 


On 4 October, Lucie gave a presentation on models of good practice in working with Roma communities in the UK at the Czech Interior Ministry's conference entitled "We live here together: Examples of successful practice in socially excluded localities".


In partnership with 198 Contemporary Arts and artist Eva sajovic, Lucie is providing supervision to DreamMakers - UK wide project with young Gypsy, Roma, Travellers, supported by the PAUL HAMLYN FOUNDATION.


Lucie has been commissioned by the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, the UK national focal point for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), to produce a FRANET report entitled Social Thematic Study: The situation of Roma in the EU.


Lucie has been appointed member of the World Roma Organisation Commissariat for Human Rights.


From 26 to 29 June, Lucie accompanied a delegation from the Karlovy Vary Region, led by OSF Prague, on a study visit to Leicester, designed by Lucie and Leicester City Council. The aim of the study visit was to familiarise members of the Czech delegation with inclusive strategies and mainstream education for Roma pupils at UK schools.


From 21 to 22 June, Lucie participated in an event organised by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Italian government in Rome, entitled Human Rights Based Policies and Roma Active Citizenship.


Lucie presented the study From segregation to inclusion: Roma pupils in the UK to the Council of Europe Ad Hoc Committee on Roma (CAHROM) in Skopje on 22 May 2012. 


Lucie completed the Ad hoc information request on issues concerning Roma for the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, the UK national focal point for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)


On 13 April, Lucie gave a presentation at a Transport for London, British Transport Police and the Metropolitan Police event entitled Engaging with Central and East European Roma Communities.

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