I am an independent international researcher and practitioner in the domain of ethnicity, race, sexuality and gender. I hold a PhD in applied social science (University of Brighton). I work at the interface of academia, social movements and activism, particularly in relation to LGBTIQ Roma, the Roma rights movement, desegregation, inclusive education and the movemebt of Roma within the UK. In 2019, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University on Portsmouth; and in 2018 at the Central European University.
I have extensive experience of conducting qualitative research, advocacy and programme management work and working on issues related to social and legal policy in the United Kingdom and continental Europe.
My doctoral thesis on the lived experiences of LGBTIQ Roma in and beyond Europe is the first in-depth research study to explore the lived experiences of LGBTIQ Roma. I am the main editor of the 2014 Council of Europe report Barabaripen: Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination and the main author of the 2011 report From segregation to inclusion: Roma pupils in the UK and the 2009 report The movement of Roma from the new EU Member States: a mapping survey of Roma in England.
I have published in journal articles, including the multi-award-winning article LGBTIQ Roma and queer intersectionalities: the lived experiences of LGBTIQ Roma, authored the book Queer Roma (Routledge 2021), co-authored a book chapter, act as a peer reviewer and am currently working on a book. Prior to doing my PhD, I had conducted 3 research studies in the UK (the mapping survey of Roma in England; the movement of Roma EU citizens; mainstream schooling for Roma); and 4 research studies in the Czech Republic (segregated schooling; the discrimination against Roma in the labour market; the Czech Republic's implementation of the National Action Plan on Social Inclusion in relation to accessibility of social services to Roma; trafficking in women and children in Roma communities). While working in the Czech Republic, I worked directly with Roma survivors of coercive sterilisation in Ostrava and Chanov, as well as with the families of the 18 plaintiffs in the case DH and others v the Czech Republic.
I have provided expert advice to the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Housing, and submitted information for the purpose of Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women regarding the Czech Republic in 2010. In 2011, I submitted information on the situation of Roma in the UK to the Council of Europe Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.